Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Break

Well, I haven't posted in awhile! Things have been a little crazy and hectic, but it is finally Spring Break and we have gotten some much deserved rest! We are now about ready to start back to school, we are kind of ready to, over break our truck broke down and so we had to come up with quite a bit of $. We had a couple of other unexpected situations arise, but God showed Himself to us and we tried to follow His will for us. If everything worked out the way we think it did, then His will was done. It is funny, God leads you one place and you really think things are going to work out a certain way, but then you find out the things didn't work out the way you thought they would and you may even be a little disappointed. Then, after everything is over, you see that God was working and there was a reason why everything worked out the way that it did, in our case I truly hope it all worked out to glorify God and what His plan is for us. We may have had to come out of our comfort zone and sacrifice but, that is when we truly had to depend on God. Hopefully through our acts, God was shown to those who may not have seen Him otherwise and have given hope through God to those who may not have a close personal relationship with our Savior! I have seen God work in different people's lives lately, and I love to just stand in amazement of His wonderful work!
Say a prayer this week for us as we go back to school, it is going to be a long 2 months, especially in my job, but God is with me.
Over break, we didn't do a lot, just rest (our truck was broke most of the time, so we didn't get much chance to do a lot), but I believe that God knew we needed to rest. We did go to the zoo and it was very nice since there weren't very many people there. It was a nice day just to spend with our boys!
We have some things going on right now that we really don't know how they are going to turn out. I have learned to take one day at a time. I have also learned that God does want good things for us, it is hard to maybe know what that is. You think that He is sending you down one road and you get yourself all prepare and even excited, then He has you take a sharp turn that was very unexpected and can really confuse you. But, then just when you are totally confused and sometimes even sad about the turn, He shows Himself and then you again just stand in awe of our wonderful maker and what He can do! I may not know what the future holds for us, but I do know that as long as God is our Savior and we completely make ourselves available to do His work (even if it is confusing at times and causes us to completely sacrifice) we will be just fine!

I will try to post sooner next time:)
