Thursday, December 10, 2009

Challenges and Changes

Big title for not posting in awhile. I don't really know if many read this or not, but I still blog if for nothing else for myself. This might be a little longer post than usually since I haven't posted in awhile. We have went through a few changes in the last couple of months, some good and some not.
One of the changes is that our dog of 8 years died. It was unexpected, he got into the trash and ate something that he shouldn't have and we believe he choked on something. He died before we could get him to the vet. It was very sad, as he was our family dog and lived in the house. Steven pretty well grew up with him and he was the first animal Josie and Thomas ever had. We all still miss him, but the kids remember the good times we had with him. I have never been a huge animal lover to the point of being really sad over a pet, but I was sad over Bronson too and still miss him, most of the time:) (don't miss him tearing out the trash, or eating anything in sight, or chasing him b/c he would leave the yard), but all the same we still miss him. But, some very great friends surprised our kids with a new husky puppy. And our cat had 3 kittens (thanks kids for letting her out when we told you not too). But they did get to have a very educational experience watching our cat and new life, thank God she only had 3 (and she is doing very good with them).
Another big shock that we have been dealing with is that Mike's job downsized and they let him go (along with other's there also-one group the Monday before Thanksgiving and the next the Monday after). They let him go the day they were supposed to pay him for the next month (go figure). He was obviously pretty down about it and is looking for a job. It is harder than you think to get a job when he is highly qualified, so lower paying jobs won't hire him b/c he will leave when something higher paying comes up, and those higher paying jobs just aren't there right now, and not a lot of jobs are hiring right now. Have we been getting by? Well, yes, but it has been hard for 5 people living off of my teacher's aide check. God has provided through friends, family and our wonderful church family. I know that God will take care of our needs. He sees that Mike is looking hard and he sees what is needed in our life. The interesting thing is, a few weeks before this happened, Mike prayed and asked God if this is where he wanted Mike to stay then show him, but if he has another plan for Mike and our family, then show him that as well. Well, I believe he answered Mike's question. Mike said that he wished God would have given him a little notice:), but things are what they are, and God will get us through. During this time, our TV also broke (after a month, we should be getting it back-it was still under warrantee by 4 days-another thing that God had his hand on). Most of our children's Christmas gifts were already bought before this happened, so that was a blessing. Are things hard, absolutely, but sometimes God will take you down to nothing just to use you to show everyone exactly how big he is and just what he can do. Although some days are much more frustrating than others, we still wake up each day and thank God for what we have. We have been blessed so much. I look at our children and know the blessing each of them are. Their qualities are so different, but so special. They learn so much from each other and we learn a lot from them too. Our life may look a little chaotic at times if you see us:), but I could never imagine our life without the chaos, and I wouldn't want it. Each ones has added so much and is so special. I love each so much. Are there hard days? Are you kidding me, of course we have hard days, very hard days, but usually God shows me something in those hard days, something I wouldn't have seen or learned if the day had been easy. My heart is different b/c of my kids, different in a good way. When those arms go around my neck or a kiss goes on my cheek, or a picture or "project" is made just for me, my heart melts just a little more, b/c then I see into their heart. Is their heart hurt or broken at times? Absolutely. My kids have had heartache, all three of them. Some in different ways than others, but each has had heartache, but those heartaches along with the love they get from us and each other and most of all God, will make them into the people God wants them to be, the people he has planned all along for them to be. I know that our two youngest have had their whole world crumble around them and have absolutely no control over it. They have seen things, I couldn't even imagine and had no choice but to continue living, broken pieces and all. Most people don't take the time to think about where they came from, not just Liberia, but their struggles and heartaches. Our oldest has had heartaches too, not the same life starting out as our younger ones, but he has seen what death can do and how life is not just about him or what his wants are, it is about helping others and doing what God wants us to do. Is that easy, not all the time, in fact it can be the hardest thing you have ever had to do? Is it worth it, absolutely. Sometimes it is discouraging (like my husband losing his job), but I have to keep moving on and knowing that God has a plan, it may not be easy, but if I follow him, he will get us where he wants us. It may not look the way we thought it would, but it will be so much better than we could have imagined ourselves.
I say all of this because we couldn't live life without challenges and change. Change is going to happen, or we would never grow, and we would miss out on so much. Change is by no means easy, but with God's help you will get through it. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband who loves me more than I could dream of. He loves me despite my many shortcomings, and sticks with me through thick and thin. I have been blessed with great kids ( most of the time-LOL), and God uses them to sure teach us a lot. A lot about ourselves and God's love for us. I have a great family, absolutely wonderful friends, and an awesome church family.
I hope that some of our current challenges will be conquered very soon. Then I realized once it is over, new challenges await:). I am working hard to have my time each day with God, b/c if I don't things become so much harder. The new year will bring another set of Challenges and Changes, but I would hate to miss out of them.

Good news, some very good friends knew what happened with our dog and felt very sorry for the kids and asked if they could get the kids another dog. It was not supposed to come until Christmas, but within a few days of losing our other dog, they found a Siberian Husky puppy and wanted to get it for our kids. Now you must know, Steven has wanted a Husky for many years. That was usually on the top of his Christmas list every year, so when they surprised the kids with the puppy, you can only imagine their response. There was many smiles and even a few tears of joy.

All three of the kids have truly enjoyed the puppy. The even take her out to use the bathroom (most of the time)! She is adorable. Yes, yes, I know that the puppy stage will end and she will grow. I am happy when the whining at night is over and she is fully potty trained, but we will enjoy the puppy stage while we have it, then enjoy the big dog stage when it gets here too. We will also get a brush, b/c I know that there will be lots of time that we will be brushing her too.
Then, we got some pretty bad news the week after Thanksgiving, Mike's job downsized and they let him and others go. One group was before Thanksgiving, and one group was after (the day before he was supposed to get paid). Mike was contracted with this company, so he wasn't eligible for unemployment. So as of right now, we are living on my pay (which I am a teacher's aide). God provided wonderful friends and our awesome church family to help us through this time and my wonderful sister. We didn't tell a lot of people about this, as this is something that isn't the most happy of times. But, I have felt that we are going through this for a reason, and one of those reasons is to show others just exactly what God can do.