Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy 2 Year Gotcha Day Thomas!

Well it is hard to believe that it has been 2 years today that Thomas has come home to us! But, the more I think about it, I can't remember what our life was like without him, it just seems like he has always been here. You have grown in so many ways Thomas, size wise, maturity and your love. I remember a boy who wouldn't talk for 2 days, now we can't get you to stop talking:). I can't even imagine the journey that you have been through Thomas, and I look up to you. I gave you a yellow bracelet not to long ago that said strength on it. I told you that it just reminded me of you. Not only are you physically strong, but emotionally to go through what you have in your short life, you are one of the strongest people I know. God gave you to us and knew from the moment your life began that we were to be your parents. May 29 will always be a wonderful day for us, it was the day my baby came home!! Happy 2 Year Gotcha Day my baby boy!
(You can see in pictures from his homecoming how much he has grown, the last picture was taken yesterday--he has gotten big and even more handsome each day)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Josie!!!

Well, today was Josie's birthday. She has been excited about it for sometime and was so releaved to find out that today was her birthday and her party. She even told Mike to tell her Happy Birthday yesterday! She had a great party and really enjoyed everything she got. She was so polite and thanked everyone for everything. We got her a Dora bike and helmet. It was kind of sad because when we gave her her first present, she didn't really know what to do with it, I had to tell her to unwrap it and show her how. But once she got started, she enjoyed finishing. Her birthmother also called me today to wish her a Happy Birthday. She told me to tell Josie that she loved her and Happy Birthday! Then, she thanked me and she told me to thank my husband. I told her that we love Josie so much and she is such a special little girl. When she thanked me, I could feel myself tear up, b/c I know that she was thanking us for adopting Josie, and she knows that she has a good life here and that is what she wanted for Josie, that is what we all want for Josie!
Here is my birthday letter to Josie.

Dear Josie,
Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet baby girl! You have waited for this day for awhile now and it has finally arrived. I have to admit, I was kind of sad to see you turn 5, because I like saying that I have a 4 year old. But, now I am proud and happy to say that I now have a 5 year old. You are such an amazing gift from God. I see where you were a year ago today, and I had to relay a happy birthday message through someone else. A year ago, God had just let us know that you were part of our lives. A year ago, I thought about holding you and loving you and giving you a big birthday party, and today it is a reality. I held you today and wished you a Happy Birthday and gave you your birthday party that you so deserved. God has a plan for you, you are a wonderful, amazing gift and I thank him for you each day. Like I have always said, 5 years ago today, you were born in my heart and God made a special place for you there that no one but you could fill, just like he made a special place for you brothers too, and the day that I held you in my arms, that hole was filled. I am happy to think of the many more birthdays that we will spend together. Just know that as we celebrate here, your other mother in Liberia does think of you too on this day. She wanted better for you and she knows that you are loved and cared for. You have parents here and across the ocean that love you more than you will ever know. I just want you to know how special you are and that we love you SO much. Words can't describe the love I feel when I look at you, only a parent knows that feeling. I want to take this time and wish you a Very Happy Birthday. I don't know who enjoyed the day more, you or me watching you enjoy it.
We love you Josephine!
(The pictures are of Josie posing in her new sunglasses, also of Josie with my brother, sister-in-law and niece, also another picture is of Josie looking at her cake--Dora of course)