First of all, Happy Father's Day!! I want to especially thank my Heavenly Father for his love and acceptance of me. I also want to say how blessed I was to have a wonderful earthly father. He truly showed me what it was to have a wonderful father and showed me what a real dad was and showed me what to demand in a father for my children. He loved us and put us way before himself. He showed us what hard work and love was for your family. He provided for us even when our mom and him had to do without. I know now how lucky and blessed we were to have him, even if it was for just a short while, the lessons I learned and the time he spent with me will be with me the rest of my life.
Now for my husband, the father of our children. I really couldn't ask for a better man. He has given so much of himself for our family. He has went without, just so our children could have what they needed and a lot of what they wanted:). He has sacrificed so that our children could even have a life, period. He has taught them that his love is there no matter what. He volunteers as coaches, in their school, he takes time to go places with us and play games with them. In fact, he had the opportunity to go to the Cincinnati Reds games and pregames festivities this past Saturday. The ticket was free and he would have had an awesome seat. He tried to get at least 3 tickets (one for him and our two boys--I would have liked to went, but as long as they went that was what was important). Well, all he could get was 2 and he told them that he couldn't unless there were at least 3 so both boys could go, he said that he couldn't take one without the other and he wouldn't go without them. Now, what kind of dad would do that and stay home so he could coach his son's baseball team? Not a lot, and this isn't the first time he passed up a wonderful opportunity with pro. athletes (that he would have loved) to be with his children--whom he loves much more! I told him that little things like that will come back to him one day:). This is just one of the things that he does to show how much he loves us. He spends all of his nonworking time with us. God did bless me with a wonderful husband and father for our children. I just want to tell my husband thanks for everything that he does for our family. Being a good father is not always easy, but you never give up, we know that we are always your top priority! Happy Father's Day, thanks for being a great dad to our kids!
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